Best chest exercises for men

best chest

Every beginner has a desire to get a solid and stronger chest. A solid chest makes you look more personable and attractive. All you have to do is push yourself and hit the gym and keep in mind that consistency is a key to success. We have analyzed some the best chest exercises for men which will help you get a solid and bigger chest. So add up these crazy workouts in your chest day routine and hit your goals. Let’s get started.

 Why Chest Workout Is Necessary?

We all know the importance and benefits of chest exercises. Highlighted benefits of the chest workouts are-

  • A broad chest is the symbol of your heavy hard work in the gym.
  • The desirable chest can be achieved by these workouts.
  • The bigger and stronger chest will make you look more attractive.

Best chest exercises for men

1. Cable Crossover

cable crossover2

Cable crossover is one of the most effective workouts for training your chest. This workout will help you reach your chest goals. It usually focuses on your chest plates and the lower pecs. Go ahead and have the workout.

Targeted Areas- It targets your inner pectorals and lower pectorals. Along with that it also focuses on your secondary muscles.

How to do

cabl cross

Stand on the center of the cable cross machine, bent your knees slightly and grab the D- holders attached to the upper pulley in your hands. Now slightly bent down your elbows. This will be your starting position. Push the handles down and make them meet below your waist. Now slowly return to the starting position. Here is one rep completed.

Complete 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps.

Compress your middle pecs for the best result and breathe properly during the whole workout.


3.Incline Bench Press

incline bench

Incline bench press is also the best workout for chest. It usually focuses on your upper chest and anterior deltoid. It is considered in the list of heavy workouts for chest. It also helps in increasing your body potential. Let’s get started.

Targeted Areas- It usually targets your upper pectorals and secondary muscles. Along with that it also focuses on anterior deltoid.

How to do

incline bench press workout

Lie down on an incline bench. Grab a barbell in your hands with a neutral grip. Hold it above your upper chest. Now bring the barbell down slowly until it touches your upper chest. Now push the barbell back to the initial position. Here you have completed a rep.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps.

Breathe in and out during the whole workout and feel the strain on your upper pecs.

3. Dumbbell Pullover

dumbbell pull

The dumbbell pullover is the crazy beast workout for chest. It trains your upper pectorals and also targets the shoulder muscles. This workout usually helps in transforming the chest. Let’s start the workout.

Targeted Areas- it usually targets your upper and lower pectorals. It also trains your shoulder and triceps muscles.

How to do

dumbbell pullover

Lie perpendicular to the bench such that your shoulders lie on the surface of the bench and your legs are bent to the floor. Grab the dumbbell with both hands in such a way that your palms pressing the dumbbells up. Now breathe in and lower the weight slowly behind your head until you feel the strain on your chest. Now bring the dumbbell back to the initial position. Here you have completed one rep.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps.

If you are a beginner then please ensure that the dumbbell does not fall on you.

4. Flat Bench press

flat bench press

Flat bench is also considered in best and beast workout for chest. It strengthens your middle pectorals and also focuses your shoulder traps. It is the best chest workout suggested by most of the professionals. Let’s get started.

Targeted Areas- It usually targets your middle and lower pectorals. Along with that it also focuses on shoulder muscles.

How to do

flat bench workout

Lie down on the flat bench, keep your feet rest on the floor. Hold the barbell in your hand with an underhand grip. Place it over your lower pecs. Now keep your shoulder outside. Bring down the barbell to your lower chest. Now push the barbell to its original position slowly and extend your elbows. Here one rep is completed.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps.

During workout make sure to keep your elbows in movement, which stretches your chest muscles.

5. Pec-Deck Flye

pecdec flye

Pec-Deck flye is also known as butterfly workout. It is one of the best workouts for chest. It focuses on upper pecs and helps in transforming into solid chest. Get up and have this beast workout.

Targeted Areas- It usually targets your upper and lower pectorals. It also focuses on your secondary muscles.

How to do

pec dec flye

Sit straight on the flye machine such that your lower back gets attached with the pad, keep your feet flat on the floor. Now extend your elbows at 90 degree and hold the handles with grip. Slowly move your arms forward to meet them in front of your body. Flex your pecs. Pause. Return to the original stage slowly. Here your one rep is completed.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps.

Breathe in and out during the whole workout. Make sure to keep your back straight.


6. Landmine Chest Press


Landmine chest press is an effective workout to blow up your chest. It focuses on the upper pecs of your chest. It can also help you in getting impressive physique. Get started and enjoy this crazy beast workout.

Targeted Areas- It usually targets your upper and middle chest.

How to do

landmine workout


Grab the weighted barbell with both hands from its one end. Keep your hands together to form the perfect grip. Now slightly lean your upper body towards the barbell. Push the barbell away. Now bring back to its original position.

Keep your chest tight and elbows tucked during the whole workout. Breathe.


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