12 Best Deltoid Exercises to Build Massive Shoulders

Deltoid Exercises to Build Massive Shoulders

Training your shoulder is quite a difficult task for most of us. Having bigger arms, chest, and legs is good but if you do not have bigger traps and shoulders then this makes your body look uneven. Also, many shoulder workout programs are not much effective to train.

Here the question arises Is there any effective workout program to train your shoulder muscles? Yes, our team has analyzed the 12 Best deltoid exercises that will help you in building massive shoulders.

This workout program includes a set of effective deltoid exercises that will definitely help you in isolating your shoulders more effectively. Choose only 5 deltoid exercises from these 12 and make your own effective shoulder workout program. Before starting your workout let’s know the benefits of training your shoulders.

Chest Workout to build Bigger Chest.

Benefits of Training your Shoulders

Training your shoulders gives you several benefits. Here we have mentioned some pros of training your chest.

  • Builds Strength- Training your shoulders help you in building muscular strength. It also increases your endurance.
  • Prevents injury- It helps you in avoiding injuries during the heavy workout session.
  • Stabilize your body- Shoulder training helps you in increasing the stability of your body.
  • Raise your Personality- Having a massive shoulder makes you look broader and muscular. It will raise your looks and personality.

If we talk about the major muscles of deltoids. There are 3 types of deltoid muscles we are going to train in this workout program. Here are the following muscles.

  • The Anterior Muscles
  • Lateral Muscles
  • Posterior Muscles (Rear muscles)

We are going to train each muscle very effectively in this deltoid workout program.

Now as we know everything about why should you train your deltoids. Let’s get started with the workout.

Best Deltoid Workout Program

12 Best Deltoid Exercises to Build Massive Shoulders

Have a short look at the exercises we are going to perform in this program.

Best Deltoid Exercises For Mass Sets Reps
Anterior Deltoid Raise 2 10-12
Standing Arnold Press 3 8-10
Hammer Curl To Press 3 12, 10, 8
Seated Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3 12, 10, 8
Single Arm Bent Over Rows 2 12-10
Standing Bent-Over Lateral Raise 2 10-15
Rear Deltoid Machine 2-3 8-12
Pullups 2 10
Single Arm Dumbbell Press 2-3 12-10
Rear Delt Flye 3 10-12
Face Pull 3 12, 10, 8
Upright Row 3 12, 10, 8

1. Anterior Deltoid Raise

Anterior deltoid raise helps in isolating your anterior head muscles. This exercise is known to be best to train your frontal head that helps in building muscular strength. Perform this exercise with lightweight and more reps to make it more effective.

Anterior Deltoid Raise

Targeted areas- Front delts muscles

Level- Beginner

How to do

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab a pair of dumbbells in your hands.
  • Place your hands on your sides. <= Starting Position
  • Now slowly lift up the weights at your chest level by keeping your arms straight.
  • Pause for a second and then return back to the starting position slowly.

Perform 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps each with proper rest in between.

2. Standing Arnold Press

Standing Arnold press is one of the best deltoid exercises that will help in building massive shoulders. It isolates all the 3 deltoid muscles effectively and helps in muscle building. Stable your body during this deltoid workout to make it more effective. Here is the short tutorial for this ultimate workout.

arnold press

Targeted areas- Front, lateral, posterior muscles

Level- Beginner

How to do

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and grab a pair of dumbbells in your hands.
  • Place the dumbbells at your chest level and with your plans facing towards your face. <= Starting Position
  • Lift the dumbbell overhead along with rotating your palms away from you.
  • Pause at the top for a second and then slowly lower down the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat and complete your reps.

Do perform 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps each.

To train your rear delts effectively try out these Ultimate Rear Delt Exercises.

3. Hammer Curl to Press

Hammer curl to press is a mixed exercise that includes both hammer curl and dumbbell press. It directly works on your deltoids and arms muscles. If you are a beginner then you must add this awesome deltoid workout to your program list. Make sure to increase weight along with sets to make this workout more effective.

Hammer Curl to Press

Targeted areas- Deltoids and arm muscles.

Level- Beginner

How to do

  • Stand straight and hold the dumbbells in each hand.
  • Place your arms at the sides. <= Starting Position
  • Now normally perform hammer curl exercise and raise the dumbbell overhead.
  • Pause for a second at the top and then slowly release back to the starting position.

Do complete 3 sets for 8, 10, 12 reps each.

4. Seated Bent-Over Lateral Raise

Another effective deltoid exercises to isolate your shoulders completely. Seated bent-over lateral raise trains your rear and lateral deltoids and increases muscle stability and strength. Lightweight will help you perform this exercise more perfectly. Have a look at this 10-sec tutorial.

Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise

Targeted areas- Deltoids and arm muscles.

Level- Beginner

How to do

  • Sit down on one side of the bench. Grasp a dumbbell in your hands and release your hands down.
  • Bent down your upper body slightly down to make it inclined to the floor. <= Starting Position
  • Now lift the dumbbells up until both of your hands are parallel to the floor.
  • Pause for a second in this position and then get back to the starting position. Repeat.

Do complete 3 sets 12, 10, 8 reps with increasing weight.

5. Single Arm Bent-Over Rows

The single-arm bent-over row is an ultimate exercise to train your deltoids and back muscles. This exercise helps in building a bigger upper body. Also, increases your muscle strength. Perform sets with increasing weight will make it more effective. Here is a 10 second tutorial for this amazing workout.

single arm dumbbell row

Targeted areas- Deltoids and Back muscles.

Level- Intermediate

How to do

  • Place your left knee on the flat bench and grab a dumbbell in your left hand.
  • Bend down and keep your back straight. Look forward. <= Starting Position
  • Now lift the dumbbell up to your back level and feel the stretch in your muscles.
  • Slowly return back to the starting position and repeat.

Do perform 2 sets of 12, 10 reps each.

6. Standing Bent-Over Lateral Raise

Another variation of bent-over raise is quite more effective. Standing bent over lateral raise is one of the effective deltoid exercises to get bigger delts. Try performing this workout with lower weights to make it more effective. If you are a beginner add this effective workout to your program list to get effective results.

Here is the 10 second short tutorial for this workout.

Standing Bent Over Lateral Raise

Targeted areas- Deltoids and Back muscles.

Level- Beginners

How to do

  • Stand straight and grab a pair of dumbbells in your hand.
  • Slightly bend down your upper body forward and keep your back straight. <= Starting Position
  • Now lift the dumbbells up until your hands are fully parallel to the floor.
  • Stop for a while and then get back to the starting position. Repeat the remaining reps.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps each.

7. Rear Deltoid Machine

Training your deltoid in the machine is more effective than other exercises. The rear deltoid machine is one of the best deltoid workouts. It helps in building the strength of your delts. For beginners, it may be quite difficult to perform this exercise.

Try to lower down your weights and increase the repetitions. This short tutorial will describe this workout.

Rear Deltoid workout

Targeted areas- Deltoids and Back muscles.

Level- Beginners

How to do

  • Sit down on the butterfly machine with your chest facing the seat of the machine.
  • Grab the handles with both hands and breathe in. <= Starting Position
  • Now push the handles to the back until you feel the stretch in your major muscles.
  • Pause for a while and then return back to the starting position. Repeat the repetitions.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 10 reps each with increasing weight.

8. Pullups

We all know about pullups, it is one of the best exercises to increase your body stability and strength. Pullups are always the best at-home exercise for muscle building. It also targets your back and delt muscles effectively. Well, we all know about pull-ups but still here is the short tutorial for this exercise.

Wide grip pullups

Targeted areas- Deltoids and Back muscles.

Level- Beginners

How to do

  • Hang up on the pullup bar with an underhand grip. <= Starting Position
  • Keep your back straight and pull up your body slowly.
  • Stop at the top for a while and then slowly release down your body. Repeat.

Complete 2 sets of 8 to 10 reps each with proper rest in between.

9. Single-Arm Dumbbell Press

Single-arm dumbbell press was always an effective exercise to get bigger delt muscles. This is a beginner exercise that directly targets your rear and anterior deltoids. Train each side alternatively and make this exercise more effective. Here is a 10 seconds tutorial for this workout.

Single Arm Dumbbell Press

Targeted areas- Anterior and lateral delts muscles.

Level- Intermediate

How to do

  • Stand straight with a dumbbell in your left hand. Release the left hand down towards the floor. <= Starting Position
  • Now Lift the dumbbell overhead with a jerk and stop at the top.
  • Slowly bring the dumbbells down to the starting position. Repeat the same with another hand.

Complete 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps each.

10. Rear Delt Flye

Rear delt flye also known as reverse flye is one of the best deltoid workouts to strengthens your delts. Performing this intermediate workout for the first time will be difficult, go for lower weights for a proper stretch. Here is the right tutorial for this workout.

Rear Delt Flye

Targeted areas- Rear and lateral delts muscles.

Level- Intermediate

How to do

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells in your hand. Place your hands down facing each other
  • Hinge out your hips and bend down your body to form an arc. <= Starting Position
  • Now lift the dumbbells up to the top and squeeze your rear delts.
  • Stop for a while and then return back to the initial position. Repeat the repetitions.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 10 reps each.

11. Face Pull

Face Pull effectively trains your major muscles shoulder and back. This is one of the best middle deltoid exercises that strengthen and isolate your muscles. If you are a beginner then try focusing on your posture, perform the exercise slowly. Here is the right tutorial for this deltoid exercise.

face pull

Targeted areas- Rear and Middle delts muscles.

Level- Intermediate

How to do

  • Set a cable extension machine at your head level. Grab the rope in your hands with an underhand grip.
  • Keep your elbows straight such that your palms are facing the floor. <= Starting Position
  • Now pull the handles to the side of your head and feel the stretch in your major muscles.
  • Stop and slowly return back to the starting point. Repeat the repetitions.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps each.

12. Upright Row

An advanced level deltoid workout to train your middle and rear delts effectively. The upright row is always the best option to get bigger delts. Try focusing on your muscles while doing this exercise. Here is the tutorial for this.

upright row barbell

Targeted areas- Rear and Middle delts muscles.

Level- Intermediate

How to do

For this deltoid exercise, you need an EZ bar or normal barbell.

  • Grab an EZ bar with an underhand grip, shoulder-width apart.
  • Release your hands down such that your palms are facing each other. <= Starting Position
  • Keep your back straight and pull the bar up to your face by bending your elbows away from your body.
  • Stop at the top and feel. Repeat the repetitions.

Do perform 3 sets of 12, 10, 10 reps each.

Diet to Get Bigger Delts

Along with exercise, a nutritional diet is also very necessary to build bigger delts. Many of us want to know what should we eat to get enough calories for muscle building? Here is the answer.

When you are going for strength training, diet is very necessary for building muscles. In a nutritional diet go for high protein and carbohydrates intake. You can use this Calorie Counter to count your overall calories you should consume in a day.


Training your deltoids with these effective exercises will definitely help you in muscle building. Along with the strength workout, you must have to consume a nutritional diet to get the best results. Follow this effective workout for 4 to 5 weeks to get effective results. Let us know in the comments if you have any problems. We will surely help you out. All the best and stay strong. Buildingbeast.